Voice: This is the interrogation of Servitor Yee Kang
regarding the disposition of Sang-Wei Lo
Biao-McTavish. Servitor Kang was recovered from a Diolong SUV along with the body of San-ben-bing George Paulos near the ruins of a factory identified on
historical records as HildCo Annex #3. [Pause] Servitor Kang, explain in your
own words what happened.
Kang: You have to
understand, none of this is my fault. I was merely following Sang-Wei Baio-McTavish’s orders
Voice: Of course;
he is one of the Barduc, and it is
your duty to serve him. What I wish to know is what happened to him.
Kang: Very well.
Some time after arriving on Fletcher, Sang-Wei
Biao-McTavish discovered the presence of an illegal underground BattleMech dueling
competition. He took it upon himself to enter this contest, apparently as a way
of proving the superiority of the Cappellan Janishi
over all others.
Voice: Of course.