Monday, 15 May 2017

Audio Log File #75921-Rho

Voice [Male, 40s, no discernible accent, likely native English speaker]: Thank you for making the time to meet me, Captain Dae-Hoon.

Jun Dae-Hoon: “Captain” is a bit of a cruel title. Right now I am simply an unemployed mercenary.

Voice: Which is why I am glad that you chose to meet me, as I’m hoping that I can rectify that situation. I’ve been looking at your career record and I think that you have a lot ot offer.

Dae-Hoon: Such as?

Voice: You’re an experienced soldier, for starters. You’re listed as an elite-rated artillery gunner with over twenty years battlefield experience with a variety of different weapons systems and platforms. That alone would be a desirable trait.

Dae-Hoon: What else do they say about me?

From the personal journal of Bruce Wolf

Let’s be honest with ourselves for a minute. I was never anything more than a fake Wolf. Unlike the Trueborn Steel Wolves, I had no lineage, no claim to clan Bloodlines or Bloodnames or the like. And given when I came into the Steel Wolves, my claim to being a Wolf began and ended with Kal Bloody Radick. I look back on it now and the few Steel Wolves that wound up becoming Imperial Wolves, and I notice that almost all of them were Trueborns or had become warriors prior to the Blackout. It does make your feel a little bit cranky, specially given that Anna Bloody K is now an Empire Star Colonel.

I only mention this because Mu Galaxy’s warriors are real Wolves. They’re citizens of the Empire who have chosen to become warriors and, in doing such, do all the same bullcrap that I did; give up your name and identity and all that sort of buggery. But given that they’re actually a bunch of galahs who don’t know their arse from a stick, they’re pretty piss-poor warriors. And yet, I knew fake Wolves who were far better warriors then these real Wolves ever could be.