Friday, 20 December 2013

Personnel Files - Command Staff NPCs

(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following NPCs are key commanders or officers in the Irregulars that the PCs will typically be reporting to)

Irisz Magyari

Irisz Magyari
Age: 35 (Born 3110)
Homeworld: Galatea
Position/Rank: Major, Commanding officer of Magyari’s Irregulars

There are two things that you should never ask Irisz Magayri. The first is how she lost her right eye. The second is how she earned the nickname “Invisible Space Fairy”. Normally a reasonably friendly and easygoing woman for a mercenary commander, Irisz will deflect answers on these two issues, and has been known to threaten people with summary dismissal for pursuing the matter.

The only child of Bors Magyari (At least, the only known; given his string of affairs), Irisz had accepted that one day she would inherit command of the family’s unit and continue a tradition going back over a century. She hadn’t expected that she would do so in such a sudden and unexpected matter, and certainly not at such a young age. Level-headed and pragmatic, Irisz figured that her father was not returning any time soon and, as such, set about doing the best for her unit that she could.
Irisz Magyari in uniform

Since that time, she has grown as a commander, managing to keep her unit together and ahead during what could only be described as trying times for the mercenary industry. While Irisz does her best for the unit as a whole and focuses on the bottom line, she also wants to do what’s right and avoid a lot of the negative connotations associated with the mercenary trade. This has helped keep the Irregular’s reputation strong and their finances as secure as possible.

Due to the unit’s small size and her own experiences, Irisz tends to command her unit from the field. She has stated that it gives her a sense of responsibility, noting that “It’s easier to see what you’re ordering your people to do when you’re in the thick of it.” Despite her dedication to the unit, however, she is level-headed and engaging, and does her best to get to know the people she’s commanding.


Joon Dae-Hoon
Age: 42 (Born 3103)
Homeworld: Misery
Position/Rank: Captain, Commander Bravo Company

A lifelong mercenary, Joon Dae-Hoon is the nominal second in command of the Irregulars and their longest standing member. Joining the Irregulars as a technician by lying about his age, he worked his way up to command of a vehicle, then a lance, then eventually the entire Bravo company. Dae-Hoon possesses a combination of experience and skill that makes him invaluable to the unit, both on the battlefield and its management, which is useful given how disagreeable he is.

Grumpy and bitter, Dae-Hoon has been married three times and divorced twice (and it’s rumoured to be having problems at home). He is argumentative and disagrees with just about everyone, while also pushing his own opinions. And while loyal to the unit as a whole,  Dae-Hoon is one of Bors’ supporters who feels that Irisz should stand aside when (not if) he returns to the unit. He does follow her orders, but at the same time still sees her as being an ‘interim’ commander.

Despite all his problems, he is still a very capable soldier and commander. His precise and timely artillery support has turned the tide in more than one battle, and his advice has been invaluable to the unit as a whole. Irisz tolerated his presence and his problems, but at the same time has made it clear that, should he step over the line, she will gladly remove him from the roster.


Maria Perez
Age: 31 (Born 3114)
Homeworld: Chirac
Position/Rank: Lieutenant, Commander Battle Armour Platoon

Under Bors Magyari’s rearmament program, the Irregulars had assembled a hodge-podge collection of infantry, both armoured and conventional. When Irisz inherited command of the unit, the infantry units were some of the first to go, many of them having been recruited for the sake of puffing numbers rather than actual combat effectiveness. Among the survivors of the cull was Maria Perez, a battle armour commander.

Tough and rugged (“Mannish” in her words), Perez is a no-nonsense and determined woman who does her best to keep her men alive on the battlefield. While not adverse to taking risks (as a Battle Armour commander, it’s hard not to), she also won’t order her men into any situation that she sees as being crazy or suicidal. Similarly, if given an order that she doesn’t like, she won’t hesitate to let someone know her feelings.

When off-duty, Maria is a different person. Friendly with her men and the other members of the unit, she drinks hard and enjoys herself. She’s also Bruce Wolf’s self-appointed drink tester, which has lead to a good relationship between the two, as well as rumours of a romantic connection.


William “Boof” Owen
Age: 30 (Born 3115)
Homeworld: Flitvelt
Position/Rank: Lieutenant, Commander Recon Lance

A hulking brute of a man, Will Owen seems to be barely capable of fitting into the cockpit of his lightweight Havoc. However, when inside it, Will shows a degree of fearlessness that would make one think that he was piloting an Assault ‘Mech. He likes to be in the thick of things, constantly on the move and using his ‘Mech to strike and snipe at the rear or flanks of enemy forces.

Given that he is the commander of what is nominally a Recon Lance, that might be seen as a problem. However, despite his enthusiasm for a fight, Will is also smart enough to know when to stand and when to run. His lance won’t stop and fight when out-numbered or out-gunned, but they’re more than willing to join in the rest of the unit and do their part once the battle is engaged. As such, he’s taken to calling his unit the “Peril” lance to reflect their status as harassers and strikers.

Despite his size and strength, Will is not the sort to bully and intimidate others. Rather, he is surprisingly friendly and outgoing, almost to the point of being aggressively such. Above all else, he is very loud, loving to laugh and let everyone around him know it.


Katrya Dernko
Age: 30? (Born 3115?)
Homeworld: Unknown, presumably Baltazar III)
Position/Rank: Lieutenant, Commander Air Cavalry Lance

Sometimes a mercenary commander has to take a gamble in response to an unexpected situation. Such an event occurred while the Irregulars were hunting pirates in the former Circrinus federation. A pair of Lamprey transports approached their landing zone, claiming that they wished to surrender. Despite concerns that it might be a trap, Irisz let them through. What she found was a surprise; the two Lampreys, crewed entirely by women, were packed with civilian refugees.

Katrya Dernko was the leader of the group and had offered to surrender and turn over the VTOLs in exchange for safe passage. Instead, Irisz made her a counter-offer, giving her a place in the unit. A skilled pilot in spite of her dubious background, Katrya became the head of the recently restructured air cavalry lance, responsible for transporting Battle Armour and providing support to ground troops.

Despite her background (Or perhaps because of it), Katrya comes off as stylish and sophisticated, with an eye to fashion and looking her best. However, she also is clearly rather protective of her fellow pilots, and tries to avoid answering questions about their pasts or how exactly it was that they came to be in that situation. Regardless, they have Irisz’ trust, and have shown no end of dedication on the battlefield.

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