Thursday, 23 January 2014

From the personal journal of Bruce Wolf

So the newcomers have been with us a bit now, and had their first, real, live mission. And what can I say but crikey, it was a bloody success! They took down umpty-dozen of those QLF mugs and captured their Grand Poo-Bah. Now that’s that is some bloody good fighting! I mean, we all still miss the old guys, and what happened to them, well, that’s that is what you should expect from dezgra Falcons, but at the same time, these new blokes seem to be shaping up all right.

Of Drinks and Dogs

(EDITOR’S NOTE: The following was overheard in the Irregulars’ common room, during a discussion between Takahashi, Lee and Randy. After a few attempts to get a a “real drink” from Bruce Wolf, Takahashi related the following tale)

There was, at one time, a lady that I was quite enamoured with and due to some opposition from her maternal grandfather we had complicated meeting arrangements.

We had found a location that suited our purpose and she was using the excuse of walking her Sapsaree (it's a dog, you know) to leave her family's house. One evening, in the autumn, it was becoming too cold to leave the animal outside so she brought it in with her.

Now Sapsaree are known for being gentle, playful, loyal and protective. This example of the breed was all except the first. I'll never know whether the hair had covered the beast's eyes, but it went for me as soon as it entered the room. Though only medium size, Sapsaree are quite strong. In my valiant efforts to fight the thing off without doing it a permanent injury I fear that I completely lost the lady's respect. It's not helped that the breed's nickname is "ghost hunting dog" perhaps she
believed me to be some kind of bakemono.

I only saw her once more after that, in completely different circumstances, and I fervently hope that she didn't recognise me.

(EDITOR’S NOTE: Any further explanation was cut off by Takahashi’s passing out)

Friday, 17 January 2014

Hamilton's Ten Worst Buildings (extract)

(EDITOR’S NOTE: The following post was discovered by Randy R. Georges during his investigation into local politics)

Previously in the Architecture Blog, we’ve looked at buildings that were the wrong design for the right time, and ones that were the right design for the right time. Today’s building is that most unique of types; the wrong building at the wrong time built for the wrong reasons.

The Kazan City convention centre was first proposed in 3129 to fulfil a need that simply didn’t exist. Kazan City had no existing major convention space and was neither a major tourist nor business destination. On paper, the idea was to create a convention space that would draw people and business to the city, but at the same time, there were a lot of questions as to if a convention centre alone would be a major draw. Regardless, district Governor Sukhrab Kentau was convinced that the project was a good idea, and had thrown the weight of the district government behind it.

Saturday, 11 January 2014

Kazan City politics

(EDITOR’S NOTE: The following blog post was discovered by Randy R. Georges during his investigation of the local media)

So how’s this for a thankless job? Be the governor of a region that’s both economically depressed and the hotbed for a terrorist/revolutionary/whatever movement? And on top of that, have somebody further up the food chain bring in outside contractors as a way of telling people that hey, you can’t do your job so we’ve hired someone to fix your mess for you.

Want that job? Because I’m beginning to think that Rashid Zaydid, the governor of the Kazan district, certainly doesn’t.

From the personal journal of Irisz Magyari

We not only had out first engagement with the QLF today, but it was also the first time that the newcomers had seen actual combat as a lance. I’m going to say now that I was impressed, especially given the circumstances they found themselves in and the aftermath.

As per our agreement with the Hamilton Planetary Guard, we’d been running patrols around the perimeter of Kazan City, probing the regions were QLF forces were known to prowl. It’s a ‘show of force’ kind of thing, designed to impress the rebels with our ‘Mechs and discourage them from making any moves. So far, it had seemed to work; we’d had fleeting contacts and the like, but the QLF definitely didn’t want to pick a fight.

However, we were also following up leads, just in the off-chance that something turned up. As much as the Planetary Guard wanted us to stand around and look good, I could tell that Roxana really wanted a solid victory.

Well, I think we delivered one. And as I go over both the report and the BattleROMs, it makes for a rather interesting picture.

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Qizilqum Liberation Front force assessment, January 3145

The following is an assessment of the Qizilqum Liberation Front’s (Henceforth QLF) forces and abilities, as of 1 January, 3145. It is for distribution to planetary militia forces and FWLM units, as well as any affiliated mercenaries. While the information is admittedly sketchy, the information contained within is none the less considered to be accurate and a fair summary of their abilities.

Roxana Zaryos, Hamilton Planetary Guard