Sunday, 2 March 2014

Bart McGraw, MRBC Report

Irisz - I think I tracked the identity of the hunter who came after Takahashi.  Fortunately, his 'Mech was nicely distinctive. It doesn't tell us much about who posted the bounty immediately, but we could track back from there.

McGraw, Bart
Date of Birth: 21/09/3108
Homeworld: Cygnus, Fronc Reaches
Affiliation: Independent/Bounty Hunter
Rank: None

Born in the Fronc Reaches, Bart McGraw was the son of a Colonial Marshal and desired to follow in his fathers footsteps. He joined the Marshals as soon as he was able to, and showed great promise during training at the Marshalry Academy. Initially, his service showed that he was living up to both that potential and his family history, as art excelled as both a soldier and peacekeeper. Within a few years, he was promoted, with eyes to him taking a senior position in the Marshals some day.

However, things came undone during an incident in 3135 on Portland. Tracking pirates, McGraw found that they had been receiving aid and shelter from several nearby communities. Ordered to back off, he became frustrated at their ability to evade prosecution for their crimes. Taking the law into his own hands, he launched a series of unauthorised pre-emptive strikes against these groups. While successful in wiping out the pirates, the attacks also inflicted considerable collateral damage on those communities.

Discharged from the Marshals, Bart simply put his skills to use in other ways. Within a couple of years, he was established as a bounty hunter, working chiefly within the former Republic. The skills he learned as a Colonial Marshal were put to use in tracking his targets, and determining the best approaches to taking them down.

Serial Number: WD5080-21G
Chassis: Arc-Royal KH/9
Power Plant: Vlar 300 XL
Cruising Speed: 43 km/h
Maximum Speed: 64 km/h
Jump Jets: None
                Jump Capacity: None
Armour: StarSlab 511 Ferro-Fiberous with CASE
                1 Defiance Annihilator Improved Heavy Gauss Rifle
                1 Teigart Maxim Extended Range PPC
                3 Defiance Model XII Extended Range Medium Lasers
                1 Martell Small Pulse Laser
Communications System: Garrett T12-A with Angel ECM
Targeting and Tracking System: Garrett O2j

From records, serial WD5080-21G was manufactured for Wolfs Dragoons on Outreach during the Civil War. The BattleMech served with the Dragoons until the early Jihad, whereupon it fell in battle like so many other of the Dragoons, only to be salvaged by the Word of Blake and passed to one of their allied mercenary units. It would serve out the rest of the Jihad with them before falling in battle in the dying days of that conflict.

The hulk of the BattleMech resurfaced after the Blackout, having apparently been salvaged at some point in its past (although still with several decades unaccounted for). Rebuilt with more modern equipment, it passed between several different owners before coming to McGraws possession, possibly as payment on a bounty.

When engaging a bounty, McGraw will try and use overwhelming firepower to bring down his opponent fast. He prefers to fight from cover, engaging at long range were possible to use his massive Gauss Rifle to its best advantage. So far this has worked well for him; since working with Black Dog as he calls it, he has been undefeated.

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