Wednesday, 8 October 2014

From the personal journal of Carrie Bull

I haven't updated this in a long time. I've had a lot of things on my mind, and that's left me with not much time to think. Though, in truth, I noticed that I wasn't that succinct in keeping it up to date before now.

I admit now that I didn't know Uncle Charlie that well. We hadn't seen each other in years, and we weren't that close. I didn't realise that I was his closest living relative either, so it did come as a shock to me to learn that he'd died and left me his BattleMech. His only wishes were that I use it as I saw fit, but there was a certain logic to joining the Irregulars, and taking his spot in the command lance. It was a chance at a regular paycheck, something that has been in short supply since I left Solaris. Besides, I think he'd be happy that I did. His Scourge may not be Mean Machine, but its a pretty sweet ride no less.

The Irregulars are an interesting bunch, certainly. I really haven't had much time to get to know them so far, given how fast we turned around between my hiring and the launch of this campaign. Irisz certainly is a character; she's confident enough that she could stare down some of the big guns on S7, and I think she could actually take them too. Hell, I'd put good money on her in a fight any say. I'm just not sure if she's joking about the eye or not.

Working with a unit has also been a learning experience too. I'm more used to one-on-one duels, and it's been quite a change to adjust to being in a team and working alongside others. I've done a few team battles, true, but that still wasn't a thing like what a real battlefield turned out to be like. I'm learning, and I think I've got some good teachers.

That being said, Im guessing that this has been a pretty screwy campaign for them so far, what with the betrayal by their so-called allies and the game of Dropship Tag that followed up. I have to admit that I should have seen some of this coming. A few days before the screwjob, I was approached by a guy from the Royals, a suit by the name of Stein. He offered me a contract with them, moving with all the skill and sleaze of a Solaris City agent. I declined, and he seemed to be okay with that.

Except then he came back to me a few days later, and suggested that I might want to either switch sides or just stand down full stop. Again, I felt like I was back on the Game World, only this time facing down with a mobster who was suggesting what might be good for me. I dont ever want to go back there.

After all that crap, it felt good to actually be in a simple, straight-up battle. I was seconded to the assault lance as theyre still down their commander. Recon had spotted a group of Incinerators heading south;  they werent sure if they were trying to hook up with the remaining Royals who were at large or if they were trying to distract us by going after civilians, but either way the boss wanted them stopped. I was glad to oblige.

That being said, I got the idea why they were called the Incinerators. We were fighting a mixed force of Mechs, tanks and VTOLs (plus some Battle Armour units that were stashed in one of the IFVs), and I swear, everything in that force was packing a plasma, flamers, infernos or all of the above. They also werent holding back with them; this one Shadow Hawk IIC was bathing Zhens Vulture in plasma fire pretty much non-stop. Given that he was carrying infernos himself, that must have been hella uncomfortable for him.

We managed to slow them; of their attack force, only one IFV and a Calliope managed to break through, and they werent in the best of shape either. Most of the other Incinerators were either shot up or surrendered when we cut them off. Randys Uziel took the leg off that Shad, which means that its added to the salvage pool. So all up, not too bad looking for us.

So I think Im getting the hang of this Merc thing. I just hope that its not always as dirty as this contract has been. Its like Im back on the game world or something

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