Sunday, 1 March 2015

LIC Intelligence Report 6571-8-Q/Kamenez

As a part of the Bolan Thumb group of worlds, Kamenez was expected to be at the forefront of any conflict between the Free Worlds League and the Lyran Commonwealth. As such, the SLDF already maintained a considerable presence on it and other worlds in the thumb. In the early 28th Century, SLDF theatre command chose to increase its level of preparation for what was ever-increasingly seen as an inevitable conflict.

One stage in that preparation was improving the facilities that the XXXI Corps of the SLDF Thirteenth Army would be operating from. This project took on two stages. The first was the upgrading of existing bases across the worlds of the thumb. The second would be the construction of a covert facility that the SLDF could operate from without the knowledge of either the Lyrans or the League.

After an extensive survey of worlds in the Thumb, the SLDF chose Mount Sokol on Kamanez as the site for the proposed facility. An extinct volcano, the mountain was chosen for a number of reasons. The first was convenience, as the Saxony continent of Kamenez was already home to several SLDF facilities. The second was that the mountain offered an excellent site that could be used to conceal a large SLDF formation with minimal external changes. Finally, outside of the SLDF, the rest of the continent was sparsely inhabited, providing a greater level of security for the project.

The site was given the code-name RED PYRAMID by the SLDF, with construction to be handled by the Department of Mega Engineering (DoME). As they had done in other cases (such as the Helm cache), DoME were able to successfully mask the construction of the facility, leaving no evidence that they had even gone near Mount Sokol. Neither the FWLM garrison nor LIC observers ever became aware of exactly what they were doing.

RED PYRAMID itself was built using the extinct volcano as its base. The now empty core of the mountain was expanded to provide room for extensive command and maintenance facilities, capable of supporting an SLDF division. Access to this core was provided through a series of tunnels that were adapted from existing lava tubes, with concealed entrances placed across the mountain's surface. Finally, a small drop-port was added, although due to its concealed nature (built into the mountain with a retractable launch bay) it was only capable of handing Spheroid ships.

While secrecy was key to RED PYRAMID's operations, the SLDF also were aware that the facility could be compomised. In order to protect it, the designers installed numerous turrets across the mountain, of which were designed to be retractable and concealed until needed. Additionally, secret tunnels were constructed to link RED PYRAMID to the nearby Fort Sokol to allow the SLDF forces to covertly move equipment.

For all its preparation, however, RED PYRAMID was never required to fulfill its operational intent. Rather, the facility was stripped of most of its personnel following the Amaris coup, as the Thirteenth Army was redeployed to the Rim Worlds Republic. RED PYRAMID was used as a resupply station for forces en-route and later as a supply cache, but was never again home to an active fighting force. Following Amaris' defeat, the forces that had been previously assigned to the facility never returned, rather remaining to try and stabilise the rapidly disintegrating Hegemony.

In the preparation for the Exodus, RED PYRAMID was mothballed by the SLDF. Stripped of most of its supplies, the facility was shut down and secured in order to prevent it from falling into the FWLM's hands. A number of its defensive systems were dismantled, while the tunnels linking it to Fort Sokol were deliberately collapsed and concealed. When the final SLDF forces left the base, it was entirely dark and undetected.

This operation was clearly successful; when the FWLM occupied Fort Sokol, they had no idea of what lay near the facility. Similarly, the DoME's design was proven during the FWLM's retreat from Kamenez and subsequent nuclear attacks on the Saxony continent. While the other former SLDF facilities were destroyed, RED PYRAMID remained untouched and stayed that way for centuries.

At some stage, the facility was rediscovered by the Word of Blake. When exactly this occurred is unknown; it is possible that like Gabriel, it was something a section of ComStar knew of for centuries but never saw active duty. Regardless, during the early 3060s, RED PYRAMID was partially reactivated for use as a waystation for units travelling between Terra and Circrinus.

The Word chose only to reactivate portions of the facility; only a few of the Access tunnels were needed (mostly on the south face of Mount Sokol), the rest being barricaded to prevent external access. Likewise, only a few of the turrets were restored to operational condition. RED PYRAMID did, however, boast extensive supplies of parts and equipment, enough to support a large, mobile Word of Blake force and allow them to re-arm and re-equip between operations.

It is believed that the word used RED PYRAMID as a base of operations during the Jihad to conduct operations into Lyran space. Several different units seem to have passed through the facility, with the 50th Shadow Division being among them. At some point after the fall of Terra, the Word abandoned the facility, apparently in some haste. They made only minimal efforts to secure or mothball the facility, and left large stockpiles of BattleMech parts behind. As with many things the Word did in the final days of the Jihad, their motives can only be guessed at.

Unlike the last time it was abandoned, RED PYRAMID did not remain idle for very long. During the early 32nd century redevelopment of the Saxony Continent, the facility was apparently rediscovered by an expedition backed by then-Margrave Gustav Pelzer. Margrave Pelzer chose to keep the existence of RED PYRAMID a secret, not only from the Lyran Government, but from most outside his personal supporters, for reasons that remain unclear. (See attached document for an analysis of the possible connections between the Pelzer family and the Word of Blake)

The facility sat largely idle until after the blackout. Faced with escalating tensions and uncertainly across the Inner Sphere, Landgrave Karl Pelzer began reactivating the base while stockpiling equipment within it. The recovered Word of Blake supplies were used as payment to help build up his personal forces. Only those loyal to him were given access to the facility; few outside of his personal guard and highest ranking officers were actually allowed to know of RED PYRAMID's existence.

As a result, once Pelzer launched his coup, he had not only a secure base of operations, but one that very few knew about the existence of. After the coup, he was able to operate without any risk of LIC interference. In addition, had REDPYRAMID been discovered, the facility (even with its depleted defenses) would have likely been able to withstand anything short of a regimental assault. The Irregulars' attack on the facility only succeeded due to the massive depletion of Pelzer's forces. The defection of Carson's Carnivores made the assault possible not only in terms of providing the location of the base, but removing a large number of experienced, well-equipped troops from Pelzer's strength.

With the destruction of the Kamenez Archonette, the LCAF has taken possession of RED PYRAMID. The facility suffered realtively little damage in the assault, save for its turrets which could be easily replaced. (The facility lacked adequate defenses against Battle Armour as a consequence of its origins) RED PYRAMID could potentially give the LCAF a secure base of operations against the Wolf Empire or FWLM. That very few know of the facility's existence, let alone its locations, could prove to be valuable.

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