Thursday, 7 May 2015

Major Joseph Peitre, AFFS Quatermaster Command

(After the mess that was Kamenez, I thought it would be wise to know a little more about our liaison officer and where all the loot will be going. The AFFS tends to be good to their mercs, but with the situation they’re in, it’s still wise to be careful – Nikola)

Joseph Peitre
Age: 37 (born 3108)
Homeworld: Exeter
Position/Rank: Major; AFFS Quartermaster Command

Joseph Peitre’s family had served the AFFS for generations, even down to his two older siblings. Despite a childhood of ill health and poor eyesight, he was determined to follow in their footsteps. A keen analytical and a skill for numbers mind aided him, Joseph was able to find a place serving in the AFFS’ quartermaster corps. While not the most glamorous of assignments, Joseph well understood the need for strong logistics chain and enjoyed the challenge of his work.

The Blackout and its aftermath presented its own unique set of challenges as the AFFS was forced to hurriedly rearm. Years of peace and easy relations with the Republic had worn down its preparedness, and skilled men like Joseph were needed in order to help bring the military back into order. The challenge was considerable, but Joseph seemed to thrive on it.

Unfortunately, Caleb Davion’s mismanagement of the AFFS and the Combine invasion of the Federated Suns saw much of that work undone. With the AFFS gutted, the Draconis March all but destroyed and both Robinson and New Sytris fallen, an air of desperation has set in. In response, members of the Quartermaster Command such as Peitre have begun searching for options that could turn the situation around, or, at the very least, slow the enemy. This has seen him take to the field, even if in an advisory or administrative role, looking for anything that could be used against the enemy.

Peitre is no combatant, and he knows it. He has enough training to competently operate an armoured vehicle, but that is less a combat skill and more an option of last resort. However, he is also adept at locating resources and finding ways to use them, be they weapons, ammunition or other less tangible assets. In the field, he best serves as an advisor or administrator, aiding a combat command rather then actually participating in the fighting.

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