Following the unexpectedly heavy resistance encountered to
our initial landings, Major Irisz Magyari opted to conduct further
investigations of the disposition of the CCAF forces on Fletcher. Her agents
were able to infiltrate Royce and uncover a number of leads as to what exactly was
going on with the Capellan forces. Their discoveries confirmed our suspicions
that the 1st Liao Guard had dug in on-world and assumed an entirely
defensive stance.
While there were no known CCAF movements, the mercenaries did
make one curious discovery. The Capellans had been importing large amounts of
heavy machinery onto the world, and then distributing it to different places
without actually using it, and rather stockpiling it for unknown reasons.
Several locations were identified as destinations for this equipment; among
them was Fenris Keep, a former Wolf Clan (and later Steel Wolf) enclave on the
world. Another location identified was a shipping facility on the shores of the
Arevass River.
Major Magyari opted to launch an attack on the Arevass
facility in order to both determine what the CCAF were doing with these
supplies as well as attempt to discover more about their forces. The attack was
carried out by the Irregulars’ assault lance, while the rest of the unit were
performing distracting attacks on other targets. In addition, any supplies
located would be targeted for extraction.
It is fair to say that the operation was a success on both
The Assault Lance made contact with a hostile unidentified
force at the facility. Consisting of an Augmented Lance, the defending force
had no markings and made no attempts at identification. However, as three of
the designs were of Capellan origin (Thunder,
Agrotera, Warhammer 5L) while the others were Clan designs that are in use
by the CCAF (Rifleman IIC 8 and
Bellona), the conclusion can be reached that this was a CCAF force, likely from
a Warrior House unit.
The defenders attempted to stop the mercenary force but were
ultimately unsuccessful. Both the Thunder
and Warhammer were destroyed (the
with latter salvageable) as well as one of the Bellonas. While the others
escaped, both ‘Mechs were heavily damaged. While the Thunder’s MechWarrior did survive the destruction of his ‘Mech, complications
from his injuries prevented further questioning. (EDITOR’S NOTE: A two on a Medtech
roll to treat a pilot with five hits)
The Irregulars suffered no losses in the attack, although two
of their BattleMechs did suffer some system damage, though nothing that will
sideline them for an extended period.
Investigation of the facility, however, revealed the truth
behind the unusual movements of the imported supplies. The packaging crates
earmarked as construction equipment instead contained older-model but still serviceable
CCAF-issue equipment. This included small arms, body armour, explosives,
ammunition, Battle Armour and even ‘Mech-scale weapons and equipment, possibly
for use in converting IndustrialMechs. In addition, more empty shipping crates
and supporting manifiests were found corresponding to several Federated Suns
shipping lines.
Based on these discoveries, it is theorized that these units
were being routed via Fletcher to supply pro-Cappelan insurgent units on
Federated Suns border worlds. Based on this evidence, it is likely that the
Augmented Lance was from Warrior House Ijori, who have used such tactics on
other Federated Suns and Republic worlds. Their presence would explain why the Liao
Guards have taken up a more defensive posture.
We had enough time before the arrival of Cappelan
reinforcements to salvage a good portion of the stored supplies, which have been
earmarked for relocation to AFFS units (A destination that has a certain irony
to it to my mind). The rest of the facility and its supplies were torched to
deny their use to the Capellans.
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