Saturday, 12 September 2015

MIIO Report FLETCHER-6732/44-B

We captured this individual and his BattleMech while he was trying to get off-world. The information we gathered from him does mesh with the files 'donated' by SIS regarding an illegal BattleMech dueling circuit on Fletcher, and suggests that it's still active. As much of a potential risk as it represents, we also don't have the resources at the moment to shut it down. Best we can suggest is coordinating with the Fletcher Planetary Guard to try and contain the situation, and hope that it doesn't spiral too far out of control. Given that Fletcher is in the current line of advance of the CCAF, the last thing we need is a BattleMech armed gang war on our hands.

Fortunately, we were able to get information back from our agents on Galatea within the MRBC (or, at least, what's left of it) to confirm our suspect's identity and back story. Anton Trang is a long-time mercenary who has had numerous short stints in a number of bottom-feeder mercenary commands. He's had a life-long problem with authority and a habit of skirting around acceptable conduct, which should have made him unemployable. Unfortunately, in today's climate, your average Merc command can't afford to be choosy, which kept him in regular pay until recently.

Trang rode that end of the market up until 3141, while in the employ of the Black Grin Boys (See attached file). An argument between him and a superior officer escalated out of control and Trang wound up accidentally killing him in the ensuing brawl. Rather than face justice, Trang chose to flee and managed to make his way to Fletcher, possibly with the assistance of the Derion District Yakuza. Once there, he apparently settled in as a part of the underground dueling circuit, managing to rack up numerous victories and more than a few dead bodies along the way.

However, Trang seems to have recently fallen afoul of the criminal organization that runs the circuit, even if he's been reluctant to say exactly what happened. Once again, he chose to try and escape the consequences of his actions, which is how we found him. While he'd managed to use the same connections that the organization uses to discretely move BattleMechs, a random inspection revealed the "mining equipment" that he signed for was, in fact, an Assault 'Mech. Trang tried to flee and go to ground, only to be captured by a combined force of our own troops and the Planetary Guard.

For the moment, we have detained him in the Baradin Island prison's maximum security wing; not only is Trang a violent man, but there is the distinct possibility that the criminal groups that run the circuit have contacts inside the prison that might aim to silence him. We believe that Trang could be a useful asset in discovering more about this organization and determining what should be our next course of action.

Unfortunately, Trang's Neanderthal (With the ever so charming moniker of 'Bubba the Love Troll') has become something of a bone of contention between us and the Fletcher Planetary Guard. While Baron Godfrey and his men were invaluable in aiding us in the arrest as well as providing information on the organization, he has tried to claim the BattleMech for his own forces. While it would be a boon to their force (which has no other assault BattleMechs otherwise), the Planetary Guard also lacks the resources to support such a machine, as well as qualified pilots to operate it. Conversely, with the current aggressive advance of the CCAF, we feel that it would be more valuable to our own forces.

(EDITOR’S NOTE: Within a week of this report being filed, CCAF forces landed on Fletcher intent on capturing the world. Trang, like many other prisoners, remained in custody under the new Capellan regime installed after the conquest)

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