Sunday, 20 March 2016

Unknown OmniMech sighted on Kalidasa


This is my final report on the 'Mech we encountered on Kalidasa during our last raid. I've put this together both from the lance's observations, BattleROMs and other material, as well as some analysis from Stanley. Obviously it's not meant to be conclusive, but rather a 'best-guess' at what we faced and what it's capable of. I'm going to start with the hard and known, then move towards the speculative as we go on.

To start with, let me recap the situation. Our augmented lance (Assault lance with Shona and a squad of Battle Armour) engaged a star from the 29th Wolf Garrison Cluster on the outskirts of one of the Kali Yama factory annexes. The Wolf star was entirely conventional in nature; a Tundra Wolf as the lead, almost certainly piloted by an actual Wolf warrior, and the rest of the star made up of AMSC salvage (Orion, Tempust. Griffin, Ghostpiloted by what were apparently adoptees. The enemy star were already damaged, with the Orion crippled and withdrawing while their other MechWarirors were showing only a questionable level of skill, suggesting that they may have even been raw recruits.

Gun camera footage of unknown Wolf Empire OmniMech
The situation changed with the arrival of the new 'Mech. Our targeting computers were unable to identify it, but there was a degree of visual similarity to a Ryoken. To further underscore the similarity, the 'Mech apparently weighed some fifty-five tons and had a maximum speed of approximately ninety-five kilometers per hour (at least initially, more on that to come). The 'Mech was also carrying a Point of Battle Armour (Clan Medium) on it, confirming that it was also an OmniMech. Based on these similarities, I'm going to label it as "Ryoken III" for the moment (Shona's designation of "Ryochicken" notwithstanding)

Early in the engagement it became clear that the BattleMech was protected with Ferro-Lamellor armour. It was hard to get a read on the overall amount of armour it carried, but I'm going to say that it was at least comprable to that of a Ryoken. The BattleMech was armed with an Extended Range Large Pulse Laser and an Extended Range Medium Pulse Laser in each arm, as well as two SRM-6 launchers in the torso, suggesting that it has approximately twenty-one tons of pod space, again similar to the traditional Ryoken.

Form the very start of the battle, the MechWarrior inside was pushing his heat curve, deliberately running the 'Mech hot with over-use of his Lasers. The reason for this became clear after it delivered a devastating kick to Lee's Vulture; the 'Mech was apparently equipped with a Triple Strength Myomer system, something unprecedented in a Clan-Built design. This theory was supported by the 'Mech reaching approximately 110 kph for short bursts, consistent with TSM-enhanced performance. This in and of itself represents A rather dramatic shift in Clan thinking, especially when combined with the Stealth Armour equipped Wulfen.

The biggest oddity however was the way the 'Mech moved. Early in the battle, it was struck in the head with a SRM. I've looked at the footage (which is attached to this file) and there's no question of what happened. The BattleMech flinched, a response more akin to a human then a machine. Several other times the 'Mech seemed to correct itself with a level of speed and precision that's impossible for normal BattleMech controls, while at other times it twitched or moved in ways that have no clear explanation, simply being things that a BattleMech would have no reason to do. Ill add that the Ryoken III clearly had a skilled MechWarrior, but even then the performance and physical mobility we saw from it simply went beyond what it should be capable of

While the Enhanced Imaging system does create a direct neural link between the MechWariror and his machine, that link is primarily based on sensory data and feedback. An EI-equipped BattleMech does not respond any differently (even if its balance is generally better) and certainly does not act any differently to its more conventionally controlled counterpart. In this case, I do not believe that the 'Mech was controlled by an EI system.

However, there is a precedent for this sort of behavior from a BattleMech, albeit a rather worrying one. Such behavior has been observed from 'Mechs controlled by VDNI systems. There's surviving footage of Word 'Mechs, especially Celesitals, taking on oddly human-like characteristics and behavior as a result of the neural link between pilot and machine. I'm going to look into this further when I get the chance, but it is consistent with the behavior seen in the Ryoken III, which suggests that it was VDNI equipped. Of course, this beggars the question as to why the Wolves would suddenly start using such a system, or where they acquired the technology.

The Ryoken III was destroyed during the battle, but only through concentrated sheer firepower; the "barrage" tactics preferred by Assault Lance proving to be less than ideal against its Ferro Lamellor armour. Unfortunately, we were not able to salvage it, and we were unable to intercept any communications from it. In all footage analysis, there are no clear markings on the 'Mech, and it is not wearing Theta Galaxy colours. My personal theory is that the 'Mech was not a part of the 29ths forces. Rather, it was undergoing testing, and was sent to reinforce the Star currently engaged.

I cannot say if it was a unique prototype or a developmental model of a new BattleMech. What I can say is that it's something that we do need to be wary for. It represents some dangerous changes in Clan thinking. I've also attached some additional analysis from Stanley for you to ponder.

Stanley here. I tried running some of the numbers on the Ryochicken, and they don't add up.

I'm taking some pretty big leaps here with trying to figure this thing out. Obviously this is guesswork based on observations and the by now well-known specs of your traditional Ryoken. I can't give definitive numbers as to how many heat sinks or how much armour it has, but based on the knowns there's a definite odd hole where we're missing something.

Simply out, the Ryochicken has about three to five tons that we can't account for. I can't bring it to a fifty-five ton 'Mech with what we have, and all my efforts to add up come to three conclusions. The first is that it's overweight, which obviously isn't going to work; furthermore bumping it up to sixty tons actually makes the numbers even uglier and less viable. The second is that the Wolves skimped somewhere along the line, but I can't figure where.

The biggest issue is the armour. There's no arguing that it is Ferro-Lamellor, but the issue is the amount of protection. Due to its nature, FL armour needs a greater weight to give the same amount of protection and had a greater bulk as well, but gives the offset of reducing the amount of damage taken. Your Mad Cat Mk IV is a great example of this. While it has the same level of protection of an old Mad Cat, the armour weighs a lot more which means there needs to be a weight offset to make up the difference. In your case, its the use of the XXL engine.

Now here's the problem. FL armour is very bulky, more than Ferro-Fiberous. Your Cat Four has got very little internal space as a result of that, especially when combined with its Endo Steel structure and XXL engine. Hell, Zhen's Vulture Mk IV has a similar problem, and its got a more normal Clanspec XL engine.

That's where I'm hitting problems with the Ryochicken. Every attempt to make up to three to five tons adds more bulk to the frame, especially when you take the extra bulk of the Triple-Strength Myomer into account, While the Wolves could have used an XXL engine or maybe even an Inner Sphere tech XL gyro (Why not?) they're adding more bulk to the frame. And while it could also have a small cockpit (Which would fit with the VDNI thing, and yes, I agree with Nikolas analysis there), that's still not enough to offset all the extra weight and bulk they're piloting on.

In short, there's something very not right about that thing, and I can't begin to figure where

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