Sunday, 25 June 2017

From the personal journal of Scientist Jeris

I can only imagine who it was I annoyed to get this assignment. Maybe it was Scientist Wallis After I proved his theory about 26th century Rasalhaguian influence on Tamar culture to be a load of hot air. I know he’s had it in for me ever since then. Regardless of who it was, this assignment is some sort of special level of hell, and I have no idea what I did to deserve it.

The Black Mountain people are not the fascinating study in neo-primitivist culture that I was hoping for. No, they’re a bunch of machismo savages who’s only real interest is proving their manliness by slaughtering hapless wildlife and occasionally wrestling each other. That their leader wears the skin of a Skatha Ape is not encouraging as to their sanity at all. Fortunately, I haven’t been here for one of their occasional wars with the Red Rock people, a nearby tribe of equally bloodthirsty lunatics.

Sunday, 11 June 2017

From the personal journal of Irisz Magyari

We’ve formed an alliance of sorts with the Red Rock people (They hate the use of the word ‘tribe” to describe them) aimed at expanding out campaign of harassment against the Wolves; I must admit that I’m in two minds about this; on one side, I appreciate all that they can give us. They serve as extra eyes on the ground, they know the planet and its terrain much better then we do, they can provide far more intel then we could gather on our own and they give us a useful weapon.

What I don’t like is some of what they’re asking for in reply. There’s nothing that’s immediately “wrong” about it, more of a general feeling of unease and wondering about the long-term consequences of our actions and what they are going to do.

Sunday, 4 June 2017

Audio Log File #75928-Rho

Bruce Wolf: What you got there, mate?

Randy Georges: I’m just editing the footage form our little expedition over the last few days into a more... Presentable format.

Wolf: Right. That’s when you and the others (EDITOR’S NOTE: Takahashi Oda, Lee Zhen, Haki Aardvarksen) went out to meet those tribals. How’d that go?

Georges: Well, they prefer to call themselves neo-primitives.

Wolf: And like I can’t talk about bludgers who like to give themselves fancy labels, right?

Georges: Well...

Wolf: So as said, how’d that go?

Georges: Irisz will probably give you all a full briefing in the morning, but it can’t hurt to show you. Basically, she wanted us to try and track down the prisoners your lance released and get their help. After all, if we’re going to annoy the Wolves, why not enlist the aid of people who don’t like them already?