Tuesday, 2 September 2014

From the personal journal of Irisz Magyari

Grass fires spreading across a wide front in southern Saxony
Image taken from Kamenez Weltweit News
Straight off the bat, Ill say that I have no idea what prompted the Royals to turn on the Lyrans and, by extension, us. I have no idea why they would seize the spaceport and take them and our support staff prisoner. Unfortunately, the timing of it was far too good for this to be a random, spontaneous act.

Takahashis assault lance had just fended off an ambush that, while unsuccessful, had also done a good job of damaging their Mechs and slowing our forces. I had to dispatch Stanley and a number of our support units to meet them, both to effect repairs and collect salvage. The result was a thinning of our personnel back at the spaceport, something that the Royals seemed to be well-prepared for. And then everything happens at once.

First thing we lose contact with the spaceport; both our ships and the Lyrans, which is never a good start. Then, far too conveniently to be just a coincidence, we receive reports of a thick bushfire front moving south towards us, kicking up massive clouds of black smoke the sort of thing that could easily be used to cover an advance. (And given that we were dealing with a unit called the Incinerators who specialise in setting things on fire, it was a given that they were doing just that). We have a hostile force ahead of us and no idea of what's behind, which puts us in a bad place.

Sending the assault lance crew in on foot was a risk, but I was low on choices. true, they have a reputation for getting results by unconventional means (and some interesting skills to say the least), and with their 'Mechs messed up, they were more useful there then on the battlefield. I didn't have the troops to spare otherwise either, which meant that I wasin one of those "no good answers" situations.

It seems to have worked out for them, even if some of how they got there is a little questionable, to say the least. We got back one of our ships and most of both our people and the Lyrans. While that leaves the Royals holding the base, the Duchess, the Snipers, a good chunk of our supplies and Takahashi, it's still a win. I only pray that he's okay; what Cartwright told me didn't sound good for him, and leaving him at the mercy of the Royals is not a situation I'm happy with.

Of course, all this beggars the question as to why they did it, and what they hoped to gain by turning on the Lyrans (and, by extension, us). We don't know if theyve thrown in with the rebels or gone rogue or what, but the weight of the evidence is leaning towards the former. I can only assume that they were offered some massive pay-off or inducement along the way, given that they have a lot to lose from all this. I really wish Charlie was here. He would have seen what was coming, or at the very least, had some inkling that something wasn't right

Even though the MRBC's powers to enforce are at an all-time low (rumours of the Roughriders dispensing vigilante justice to renegade units notwithstanding), an act like this is hard to justify before a tribunal. Maybe they were hoping to swing the evidence by eliminating us and the Lyrans and then making up a story along the way. And while at the moment the Lyrans are low on friends in the MRBC, they're still a major power and have a lot of influence, especially in the arms market. We may not like them, but we do need what they want.

What I gathered from Cartwright and the others suggested no overt malice on their part towards our people. This seemed to be more of a 'just doing our job' thing then anything else, but that also could be skewed by the people they were dealing with. I don't know what Royal's attitude towards all this was; I admit that I tried to avoid dealing with him unless I had to, and it was hard to get a read on what exactly he thought of us. He plays the colourful thug well, but either hes a lot smarter then he lets on, or there's something else going on.

Speaking of motivation, there's also the mystery of the Apex to consider. They clearly prioritised getting it airborne, but we dont know who was at the controls or where it went, or if there was anything onboard. If the Royals sided with the rebellion, then delivering the Dropper back to the Carnivores could be a sign of good faith. Maybe they were promised that they could keep out ships as a part of their deal if they handed the Apex over. A Trutzburg is one hell of an upgrade over that flying deathtrap of a Union, after all.

My other worry is that this was somehow personal, and what they did was aimed at us as a unit rather than as some sort of military objective. Feuds have always been a part of the mercenary trade, and its hard to stop them. In a business where you get paid to shoot at other people, you tend to get a lot of machismo and a lot of posturing, and that can lead to bruised egos and accidental misinterpretations.

If it is, then I want to resolve here and now, before it spirals out of control. This is not something I want to have escalate and turn toxic and wind up drop into my granddaughters lap in fifty years. We have a past history of this sort of thing.

(And I thank god at least twice daily that one died seventy years back as well)

Ill have Nikola look into it when he has the time. Right now, we have other concerns, like salvaging this mess.

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