Friday, 12 September 2014

LIC Interogation Log 6442-8-A/Kamenez

Leftenant Sofia Cruz, LIC: Lets be straight here. We both know why you're here, so lets not mess around by pretending to be nice to each other and get straight to the point.

Lieutenant Bruno Kazan, Liberty City Royals: Fine by me, sweet cheeks. These things get boring fast anyway.

Cruz: Kazan, we want to know why your unit turned on its employers. We want to know if you are in league with the rebels and, if so, how they made contact with you.

Kazan: Well let me see, babe. First up, I think its kind of obvious why we switched sides. We wanted to be onto a winning thing, and you Elises arent exactly it at the moment. You nearly lost Hesperus. You nearly lost Tharkad and you still have two clans in spitting distance of it.

Cruz: That's not exactly relevant

Kazan: Tell you what, why don't you move the capitol back to Arcturus? Oh wait, you lost that too.

Cruz: So what? You see a single world rebellion as being more viable then the entire Lyran State?

Kazan: Right now I see most things as more viable then the Lyran state, toots.

Cruz: Regardless, your unit's actions would be seen as criminal-

Kazan: And whos going to do anything about it? The MRBC's got nothing left to it. It can't even act tough any more. After all, it lets scum like us keep going [laughs]. And besides, its not like you Lyrans have any friends at the moment after all the horse [expletive] you pulled in the last few years.

Cruz: Regardless, the Commonwealth is still a legitimate state, which is more then can be said for this rebellion.

Kazan: Legitimate or not, you guys have a bad reputation at the moment. Just ask the Light Horse... oh wait, you can't, they're dead thanks to you.

Cruz: So what is this, sort sort of petty act of revenge?

Kazan: [expletive] no! I thought they were a bunch of self-important [expletive]. But even then they didn't deserve to be [expletive] over by you guys. But thats got nothing to do with this at all.

Cruz: So why did you do it? Why turn on the Commonwealth? Why pout your lives and reputations on the line and risk losing everything?

Kazan: Now you're well over my head, babe. See, I may be a MechWarrior and king of all that, but I am but a humble lieutenant, a mid-sized cog in the machine. You know who you should ask instead?

Cruz: Who?

Kazan: Big Dick Ruttle. Now there's a right [expletive] for you. I mean, an infantry captain who actually thinks he's important? That's good for a laugh. You should ask him since he was in charge of rounding everyone up.

Cruz: Captain Ruttle was killed in the battle.

Kazan: Funny how that works out. In that case, what about Mark Gabby? He may be a tanker who graduated from selling dope to college kids, but he's our second, if you can buy that

Cruz: Captain Gabby was also killed in the battle

Kazan: Amazing. And I can guess that I'm the next highest-ranked person you actually got alive. Which means that I'm suddenly super-valuable to you too.

Cruz: So tell me why you did it.

Kazan: See, thats the thing, sugartits. All I did was follow orders like a good little soldier after they were handed down to me. Didn't want to stir up [expletive] or anything like that.

Cruz: Werent you worried about the effects that this would have? Being branded a criminal and a renegade is just the start of it.

Kazan: Lady, after what Ive been through, none of that worries me. Besides, we were given incentives in the form of the one thing mercenaries everywhere really like.

Cruz: So the rebels bought you off. It must have been quite an offer to make you switch sides

Kazan: They offered us primo salvage on the Irregulars, for starters. And a huge payout on top of that. Even sent us some samples to how that they were on the level. It was good [expletive] too.

Cruz: So that was it.

Kazan: Of course, if you want the full story, you probably want to speak to Major Royale himself. That is, if you don't kill him first.

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