(I ‘borrowed’ this file
from our MIIO friends. While it’s not exactly helpful, I think it might
represent a small step towards cracking the greatest mystery of the age. And
right now, we need all the help we can get)
As of June 3132, the 12th Highland Gryphons were considered to
be a top-tier mercenary command. At the time, the unit consisted of a
combined-arms regiment with a MRBC A rating. The unit was rated as Veteran, and
had a long history of reliable service to its various employers. The unit was
equipped with top of rhe line technology, including a not inconsiderable degree
of Clantech. With a history going back to the SLDF, the unit had a long and
storied history.
All of these factors make the unit's apparent disappearance or
destruction during Grey Monday even more confusing. If the unit did desert,
then it would be a considerable break of character for such a storied and
trusted command. However, if it was destroyed, then this raises a lot more
questions as to who were able to launch such an attack and take on such a capable
command. A number of options present themselves, however, all of them seem to
be rather improbable. Each of these will be discussed below