Saturday, 21 June 2014

Carson’s Carnivores

MRBC Update 01-01-3145

Carson's Carnivores insignia
Carsons Carnivores grew out of the Jihad, formed from a collection of battered, barely functional mercenary commands that had managed to survive the conflict, some represented by only a single warrior. Drawn together by Claude Carson, himself a mercenary who had fought in the Clan Invasion and nearly every conflict since, he managed to form a coherent whole out of the hodge-podge mess that hed been presented with.

The resultant unit, dubbed the Carnivores, saw their trial by fire in the early 3080s. Hired by the LCAF, the unit was sent to hunt pirates from the shattered Circrinus Federation that had been threatening border worlds. The low intensity conflicts, oft with groups that were more desperate then they were, served to help bring the Carnivores together as a unit, while netting them salvage that was used to build up their strength.

By the turn of the century, the Carnivores were a solid and coherent unit, a far cry from their origins after a remarkably short period of time. Now under the command of Claudes daughter, Claire, the Carnivores stability was threatened by a new opponent, in the form of the slow winding down of conflicts that occurred over the next few decades. The Carnivores responded by restructuring, reducing the size of the unit while weeding out older or less capable Mechs. The result was that the unit was almost entirely composed of the most modern designs. Even older Mechs, such as Carsons Ostol, received upgraded technology.

The collapse of the HPG network and the sudden explosion of activity saw the Carnivores thrown back into action, exposing weaknesses in their upgrades. While their equipment was capable, many of their crews were inexperienced, having seen little action in the last decade. As such, the unit suffered several defeats against supposedly inferior opponents, blunting its resolve. It was only after Connor Carson took control of the unit that he was able to turn things around.

After a six-month retraining program, the Carnivores emerged in 3134 as a leaner but more capable unit, just as the conflicts raging inside the Republic began to escalate. The improved Carnivores rose to the challenge, fighting for and against different forces across several Prefectures. After the declaration of Fortress Republic, the Carnivores found themselves looking for bigger jobs in the growing conflicts spreading across the entire Inner Sphere.

Force Strength
In the last few years the Carnivores have managed to return to their full strength of a combined-arms battalion with air support. Fang Company is made up entirely of BattleMechs and includes the Battalion Command. While lacking in Clantech, most of the units Mechs are modern designs with an emphasis on speed and mobility, allowing them to move fast and hit hard. Fang usually leads any assaults, supported by Claw Companys slower-moving tanks.

Talon Company rarely acts as a coherent whole, instead being divided into both fighter and VTOL units. Often, the VTOL support lance is attached to Claw Company as a fourth lance, which has lead to suggestions of converting Claw into an oversized company full time. Beak Company, composed of both Battle Armour and conventional infantry, is usually used in support of Claw and Fang companies, although its conventional infantry assets often serve as support and security units.

Careful management by Carson has resulted in the Carnivores having a strong support infrastructure and deep supply reserves. Anticipating the 3139 currency crash, Carson took to hoarding supplies and ammunition, a tactic that paid off in the long-term. Carson usually will also take supplies and salvage as an alternative to currency in contract payments to ensure his units continual operations.

The Carnivores sole dropship is the Apex, a Triumph-class ship. Like the rest of the units equipment, the ship is kept in good condition. The ship has been modified to have its Mech cubicles converted into fighter bays, providing a modicum of protection; ironically, this means that the Carnivores BattleMechs must be carried as cargo.

Colours and Insignia

The Carnivores use a parade-ground scheme of bright red, with yellow, stripe-like markings on the limbs. Some of the Mechs feature exaggerated teeth painted on their heads. The insignia of the carnivores is a stylised, saber-toothed tiger head in profile.

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