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Planetary crest of Kamenez |
Landgrave Karl Pelzer, ruler of Kamenez,
was one of the nobles who openly spoke out against Archon Trillian Steiner and
her policies. As ruler of a world bordered both by the newly formed Wolf Empire
and the resurgent Free Worlds League, he felt that her polices and leadership
were putting vulnerable worlds (like his) at further risk of predation. Even
after the quelling of a near-rebellion, he remained strongly opposed to her
rule, especially after his world was left without any LCAF garrison units.
In response to this, Pelzer opted to
take matters into his own hands. Mustering the support of several local guard
units, Pelzer staged a coup, taking control of the planet and imprisoning or
killing most of the ruling council. From there, he declared himself leader of
the Kamenz Archonette, inviting other nearby worlds to join him in forming an
independent state within the Commonwealth.
Even as his offer went out, forces loyal
to the legal government (and the Commonwealth) mustered on Kamenez in an effort
to restore order and end Pelzer’s illegal takeover.
Their efforts were cut short by the arrival of mercenary units in Pelzer’s employ who quickly overpowered the local
forces. With local resistance effectively neutralised, the new Kamenez
government looked to consolidation and seeking allies.
While as yet no other worlds have joined
the rebel Archonette, the Lyran government, as well as the embattled Bolan
Province, are definitely concerned about the risk of the revolution spreading
to other worlds. The factory world of Loburg, less than a jump from Kamenez, is
considered to be an especially high risk, given the Commonwealth’s current precarious state. At the same time,
the depleted LCAF does not have the forces to spare to deal with an internal
matter, given how thinly stretched its forces are over numerous hostile frontiers.
While the mercenary units hired by
Landgrave Pelzer ended organised resistance to the Archonette, they have not
ended the fighting on-world. Pockets of resistance still exist across the
world, however these forces lack in heavy equipment and organisation, and so
far have proved to be little more than a nuisance to the self-declared
Pelzer has further hampered to depose
him through maintaining a surprisingly low profile. Rather than rule the world
from the planetary capitol, he has chosen to relocate his seat of power on the
thinly populated island continent of Saxony. Even then, he has been rather
elusive, apparently running the planetary government from an unknown, remote
location in the continent’s interior.
Attempts to locate Pelzer have been
hampered by the history of the continent and its geography. During the Star
League, the SLDF and FWLM constructed numerous supply depots across the
continent. During the first succession war, the retreating FWLM used nuclear
weapons to destroy them rather then letting the Lyran forces have access to
those resources. The result is the continent is scattered with ruins, many of
which have never been fully documented.
The rest of the Saxony continent mostly
consists of small village and farmers, save for the southern coast. In the
years following the Jihad, the region saw some rehabilitation and became
something of a tourist destination, and is now scattered with resort towns as
well as a recently expanded drop-port. The continent itself also provides ample
opportunities for concealing a force, with a number of dormant or active
volcanoes breaking up its prominent grasslands.
Force Listing
While not complete, the following list covers key units loyal to the Kamenez Archonette government. Aside from the units listed below, it is known that the Kamenez government has been actively trying to raise new units from the local populace. A lack of local heavy manufacturing has hampered efforts to arm these groups, but irregular forces or the presence of armed IndustrialMechs should not be discounted.
Kamenz Rifles
Colonel Bernahrd Proll
The 781st is a conventional
infantry regiment, made up mostly of reservists and inexperienced weekend
warriors. However, its leadership includes several veteran officers with actual
combat experience, giving the unit a degree of coordination and resolve that it
would otherwise lack. However, the unit's actual battlefield value remains
questionable, given that it is made up almost entirely of foot infantry with
light weapons. In an effort to bolster its otherwise dubious strength as well
as aid it in riot control and counterinsurgency operations, the 781st has
recently received several SecurityMechs to serve as infantry support.
Light Guards
Commander: Colonel
Helga Strakken
Baroness von
Strakken was apparently one of Pelzer's early and strongest supporters, bringing
with her one of the most important assets for his force. The Leipzig Light
Guards is the world’s only standing armour unit, composed mostly of light and
medium tanks. While there are some new vehicles in the Light Guards’ ranks, many
of them predate the Clan Invasion. However, Colonel Strakken is a harsh
taskmaster, one who tends to drive her men hard and, as such, squeeze every
last drop of performance out of her limited arsenal.
Commander: Landgrave Karl
The only BattleMech unit on Kamenez (at
least, the only indigenous one) the Lusitanian Highlanders have served largely
as a parade ground unit for the planetary defence forces for the better part of
two centuries. Composed of noble scions with nothing better to do and augmented
with a few LCAF veterans, the unit’s main strength lies in its lack of comparable opposition. Since the
coup, they have served as Pelzer’s bodyguard unit on the few occasions that he has been publicly
seen. The dozen ‘Mechs in the unit
consist of a mixture of older Lyran designs with some FWL salvage sprinkled
among them.
Isling’s Incinerators
Carson’s Carnivores
Pelzer, Karl
Rank/Title: Landgrave, leader of Kamenez Archonette
Born: 3081 (64 in 3145)
The Pelzer family have ruled Kamenez
since the Lyrans took control of the world in the first Succession War,
appointed by the then-Archon as a reward for their role in the conquest. Karl
Pelzer was the legal ruler of the world, having inherited the title after his
father was killed in a hunting accident in 3131. Prior to that, he had served
in the LCAF, reaching the rank of Kommandant in the Bolan Jaegers (A rank
earned both through his experiences and his social position). During his
service, Karl was involved in several skirmishes on the former FWL border; in
fact, he was in the middle of one operation when he was recalled due to his
father’s death.
Karl was fresh to his rule of the world
when the Blackout occurred, an event that clearly shaped his reign. While
Kamenez was safely removed from any borders, Pelzer none the less was concerned
about the uncertain situation that the Inner Sphere had been plunged into. He
ordered a build up of the world’s military forces and
an increase in training in order to prepare his world for the worst. The
disintegration of the Republic and the establishment of the Fortress only
seemed to prove his point.
The formation of the Wolf Empire and
subsequent ravaging of the Commonwealth seems to have become a catalyst of
sorts, forcing him into action. On observation, it appears that Pelzer is not
acting out of any greed or power-grab, but at his heart has a genuine desire to
protect his world and is willing to do such by any means he deems necessary.
However, at the same time, he is placing that desire before the Commonwealth as
a whole.
Karl feels that as a noble, he is
superior to those around him and has the right to lead, in many ways, a typical
product of the Lyran system. However, within that, there seems to be more than a
tinge of paranoia. His decision to lead his new government from secrecy
suggests that something may be amiss, a weakness that could yet threaten his
new government.
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