RAF Intel Intetcept 3145-215132-Alpha
To: Galaxy
Commander Robert Magnus, Grey Keshik
From: Star
Colonel Angela, 5th Wolf Garrison Cluster
Subject: Mercenary
Raid on Keystone
Galaxy Commander, this report is to update you on the
status of our forces following the recent mercenary raid on Keystone,
specifically targeting the Earthworks Complex.
The mercenary Force is believed to have jumped in-world from
a pirate point, its position unknown but likely provided by Earthworks informants
who were familiar with the system. The mercenaries proceeded in-system, using
Ea (Keystone’s Moon – Editor) to
shield their approach. By the time we were in position to properly respond to
their approach, they were already making planetfall.
Once landed, the mercenaries divided into lance-sized
forces, striking simultaneously at different Earthworks sites. Based on both
their movements and their targets, it is apparent that the enemy forces were deliberately
targeting specific objectives. The mercenaries, composed of BattleMech forces
supported by VTOLs and Battle Armour, engaged elements of Bravo, Charlie (Vehicle Binaries – Editor) and Delta (Conventional Infantry Trinary – Editor) arrayed
in defense of the facilities.
I will not mince words, Galaxy Commander. The results would
have been farcical had they not been our own tourman. The poor quality of the ‘Warriors’ (And I use the term
with the broadest possible advice) and the cast-off equipment they were armed
with resulted in something that was less then a battle and more of a one-sided
slaughter of our troops. The dezgra mercenaries
thrashed the surats under my command,
suffering almost negligible losses in return.
Binary Bravo lost fourteen of its twenty vehicles, with
most of those being unsalvageable or complete wrecks. Star Commander Ralphus survived
the battle simply because his Athena was left immobilized and was bypassed,
while Star Captain Svetlana will require extensive surgery before being
combat-worthy again. Of the crews, 55% were killed or wounded, a situation
exacerbated by Keystone’s polluted atmosphere which did as much harm to the
crews as the enemy fire.
Binary Charlie lost six vehicles, with the losses being
limited simply because only one of its stars made contact with the enemy. Unfortunately,
the force of light BattleMechs it faced simply out-maneuvered and bypassed them
with little effort. Even then, 35% of Charlie’s personnel were wounded or
Trinary Delta supported both units in the course of the
engagement. This cost them 70% of their men dead or wounded, many the results
of breached environment suits and atmospheric exposure that would not have
otherwise affected them.
In addition, the raiders were able to reach their
objectives and were largely unrestrained from engaging in an open looting
spree. They were able to remove hundreds of tons of parts and supplies, as well
as “evacuate” key personnel, blueprints and other information. Analysis of the losses
indicates that the damage was very specifically targeted, again suggesting that
Earthworks themselves had planned the operation.
The only thing that may have impaired the mercenaries’
looting spree was the intervention of a Binary from the 13th Wolf
Guard Battle Cluster. On world for reasons that I am not able to reveal (Orders
came from Star Colonel Don Cooper (commander
13th Wolf Guard Battle Cluster – Editor) and were undersigned by
Star Colonel Omar Hawker (aide, Beta
Galaxy Command)), the Binary chose to intervene in the assaults only after
it became apparent that my own men were not able to handle it. Even then, all
they did was merely speed departure.
And as for the mercenaries, did they pay a price in blood
for their assault, quineg? No; their
losses amounted to a pair of Battle Armour troopers killed in action. Two of
their trucks were also destroyed, with a third one immobilized and abandoned in
the field.
Let me reiterate that. Two Battle Armour Troopers and
three trucks against twenty tanks and eighty-seven infantry, not to mention the
cost in lost production from Earthworks. My forces were nearly powerless to
stop them, and only intervention from a Beta Galaxy binary seemed to slow them
Galaxy Commander, this is a situation that should not
have been allowed to happen. Keystone is a vital world to the Empire’s
production; even if it is only able to produce inferior Spheroid technology,
then it is still a source of replenishment to our tourman. The Empire can ill-afford any disruption, and yet, my unit
is in a poor position to prevent that from happening.
I am well aware of Kappa’s poor position in the Empire’s
standing; our spending decades as fodder for the Bears has left us in a
precarious position even after our relocation. The 5th in particular
has fared badly, and has remained the destination for only the worst recruits and
equipment available. And yet, we are solely responsible for the defense of a
key world. Galaxy Commander, this situation cannot be allowed to continue. If a
disaster like this were to repeat itself on Kaldassia or even Thermopolis, then
the damage to the empire could be devastating
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