Saturday, 30 December 2017


I found a file that matches up to our mysterious Yeoman. It also gives me an idea as to where the pirates are getting their supplies Nikola

Field Testing Summation: YMN-10-OR Refit
Producer/Site: Curtiss MilTech, Paradise
Supervising Technician: Doctor Gary Pappas
Project Start Date: 3072
Non-Production Equipment Analysis:
                Mechwarrior Aquatic Survival System
                Underwater Manoeuvring Units
                Multiple Torpedo Tubes

The Jihad was a boom time for military technologies, with many different developments going from prototypes to common mass production items during its course. However, the level of destruction unleashed during the Jihad meant that many other projects fell by the wayside or were simply destroyed, with their details often lost. Added to this, not every new technology was a success, and many were dead ends or catastrophic failures.

From the personal journal of Sargent David Correra

Working with the assault lance is never dull, and I’m not just saying that because of all the time I spend riding on Lee’s Vulture. Those guys have an amazing ability to come up with insane plans and get themselves into trouble. And because my squad is effectively attached to their lance, I’m usually along for the ride.

Take this latest one as an example. We were trying to look for a way to lure out the Ashburton pirates. They’d managed to find out the target of the next pirate attack, being a warehouse district on the Batman waterfront (Yeah, the pirates were going straight after the capital even knowing that there was a mercenary company present. Talk about ballsy!), so they had decided to plan a surprise party. They had their ‘Mechs shipped in (Along with my squad, of course) and hidden in the target warehouses in ambush.

Saturday, 23 December 2017

SAFE Intelligence Briefing ASHB-3145-129A

The pirate situation in Ashburton has been ongoing since the end of the Jihad, but in the last three years it has escalated considerably. The pirates have been better armed, better coordinated and definitely becoming more bold in their attacks. Unfortunately, due to their lack of mobility and years of operating on a shoestring budget under the auspices of ineffective governments, the Ashburton Defence Force has been unable to effectively deal with the situation.

While the various pirate groups do not act as a single organisation, it is clear that they share intelligence and coordinate operations. They have divided the planet up into a number of different territories based on each band’s capabilities. While usually their targets are confined to ocean-going vessels and costal ports, there have been attacks on overland shipping and other inland targets. In recent years, the pirates have become so bold as to attack such high profile targets as the Batman ports themselves.

The pirate bands are armed with a mixture of equipment, bur primarily are focused on hovercraft, VTOLs and surface naval vessels, supplemented by small infantry forces. They are known to use battle armour, and some unconfirmed reports suggest that they may have BattleMechs. However, these are more likely modified Industrial designs. Much of this equipment has only begun appearing in the last three years, suggesting an external backer. The most likely candidate is the Regulan Fiefs, given Ashburton’s precarious position in the narrow ‘neck’ of the League between them and the Wolf Empire.

While the pirates do not enjoy any popular support, it is clear that they are well supplied with local, on the ground intelligence. Their attacks are often very precisely targeted, going after specific cargoes or shipments that they have been presumably directed to by insider intelligence. Given that the planet has only begun to emerge from years of economic chaos, it is likely that they run off a network of paid-off informants. Given some of the issues that the ADF has had in past with dealing with the pirates, it is possible that there are informants within their ranks as well.

It is possible that there is one other area providing support for the pirates. The ReMonarchist party had advocated a return to the rule of the Wainright family, and have bene headed up by a scion of the family for decades. The party was marginalised by Prime Minister McNally’s Progress Party, and left holding only two federal seats and having no real power in the house of representatives. A member of the Wainright family were among a group of pirates captured by the ADF, only to be subsequently released during a targeted breakout.


Star Type (Recharge Time): F8V (179 hours)
Position in system: 3 of 7
Time to jump point: 12 days
Number of Satellites: 6 (Banyule, Boondarra, Manningham, Monash, Stonnington, Whitehorse)
Surface Gravity: 1.08 g
Atmospheric Pressure: Thin (Breathable)
Equatorial Temperature: 32 degrees (Tropical)
Surface Water: 50%
Highest Native Life: Birds
Recharge Station: Zenith
HPG Class: B (Inoperative)
Population (3145): 850,000,000
Socio-Industrial Levels: B-C-B-C-C
Landmasses (Capitol City): Glen Iris, Chadstone and Malvern (Batman)

Ashburton was first identified during the late 23rd century, with initial exploration suggesting that the world possessed a high degree of potential for colonisation. While thin, the atmosphere was still breathable at sea level without the need for life support or sophisticated terraforming. Divided into three continents by relatively small and shallow seas, much of the planet was dominated by open savannahs and dry deserts, tending towards tundra at the poles.

Another factor that drew the attention of colonists were the mountainous regions along the world's equator. Thrown up in the (geologically) relatively recent collision between two subcontinents, the atmosphere around the upper mountains was nominally too thin to support human life. On the other hand, surveys found that they were rich in valuable minerals including precious metals and radioactive. Additional exploration of the world's two largest moons also showed that they were rich in mineral resources, prompting development of lunar mining colonies.

Rather than the thin atmosphere, the greatest challenge that the initial colonisations faced came in the form of the world's native life forms. Several large species of aggressive bird like-predators, both airborne and flightless, existed, which quickly found that both the colonists and their transplanted livestock were easy prey. Creatures like the Direbeak (Superficially resembling a terran Allosaurus), the ominously named Death Razor or the bizarre four-winged Sky Shadow quickly became the bane of colonists, leading to organised hunts and culls. Today many of these species still survive, but their populations and movements are carefully watched.

Despite these setbacks, the colony continued to grow throughout the Age of War, where it was incorporated into the fledgling Free Worlds League. During the Star League, Ashburton's industry and economy grew, allowing it to export consumer goods and electronics to other nearby worlds. Some of it's native wildlife also became prized exports, with the so-called 'dino-birds' becoming star attractions at Zoos across the Inner Sphere. Despite this growth, the planet managed to remain agriculturally self-sufficient, a trait that would help it in the years to come.

The Succession Wars and their accompanying collapse of interstellar trade shattered Ashburton's economy, leading to mass unemployment across the planet. Efforts to retool much of its heavy manufacturing towards military production instead attracted deep raids form the Lyran Commonwealth.

The most disastrous of these came in 2815 when the Savage Horde Regiment, a Lyran employed mercenary command attacked the world. Facing only local militia troops, the Savage Horde ran wild, sacking several cities and destroying two with nuclear weapons while also levelling several weapons plants. Seemingly powerless to stop them, the Ashburton Militia received unexpected assistance when the Savage Horde encampment was over-run by a migratory Death Razor flock; the camp security had paid the creatures no heed, apparently unaware of just how dangerous the local life forms could be. Taking advantage of the chaos, the Ashburton Defence Force were able to move in and force the Savage Horde off-world.

The recovery of the Helm Memory core and the decoding of its secrets helped revitalise the world, especially following Captain-General Thomas Marik's agreement to supply weapons to the Federated Commonwealth. Ashburton found its industry revitalised as the Free Worlds economy surged, both with local manufacture and the export of raw materials. Under the second Star League, trade flourished which further spurred growth in both the military and civilian sectors.

Ashburton was not directly attacked during the Jihad, but did feel its effects. The Wainwright family, who had ruled the planet since the Second Succession War, openly supported the Word of Blake. As interstellar trade again collapsed, the planet's economy suffered as many of its booming industries suddenly collapsed. At the end of the Jihad with the collapse of the Free Worlds League, Ashburton was left as an independent world. The Wainwright family were deposed, with a democratic government installed in their place.

Unfortunately, efforts to revitalise the planet's flagging economy often met with defeat at the hands of that same democracy. With coalition governments being the norm, any attempt to pass a bill had to meet approval from the government’s parties before it could even go to a vote. For example, a bill to support the lucrative safari tourism market was killed by the Ecological Party following claims that Death Razors were actually sensitive creatures that were easily upset by sudden changes. The result was decades of economic stagnation crumbling infrastructure and struggling industries.

During the 3090s, rumours began to circulate that the world was home to fugitive Word of Blake forces. While no solid evidence was ever unearthed, this lead to several exploratory raids by RSMC forces. The Regulans achieved little but to turn over the rubble of ancient cities and damage already weakened industries. In a rare moment of unity, the Ashburton government called for support from the Marik Protectors, which served to discourage further Regulan adventurism.

In 3138, the Progress Party under Prime Minister Bruce McNally won a rare majority government and immediately set to work on a number of key reforms. Possibly the most important was their voting to join Jessica Marik's new Free Worlds League in 3139. This lead to an upturn in the previously moribund economy, and the first signs of real progress in decades. McNally was re-elected in 3142, and is expected to win a third term in 3146. While popular with the electorate, he has a lot of critics among the minor parties (Such as the Ecological Party and the ReMonarchists) who have seen their powerbase eroded.

At present, Ashburton is in an odd situation. It has a large population, a strong resource base and is located in the middle of a Successor State. It is also relatively undeveloped, due to decades of economic mismanagement However, given the precarious situation the Free Worlds League presently finds itself in, the planet's future as potentially bright as it is uncertain.

Sunday, 24 September 2017

From the personal journal of Irisz Magyari

We’re away from Shasta and not a moment too soon for a number of different reasons.

Things with the Red Mountain tribe (Clan, whatever) were not going well, to say the least. Ever since we armed them they had been pushing us for more action, but not against the Wolves. Rather, they wanted us to focus on their rivals, hoping that we’d stomp all over their villages with our BattleMechs. I’d managed to hold off on that for some time, but it reached the point where I was running out of excuses. That the chief was looking to hitch me up with his son didn’t help any, I mean, yes, he looked great without a shirt, but the last thing I want is to be tied to a specific planet’s ugly politics. Besides, I’m spoken for.

We found an exit after a fashion courtesy of a disaffected Wolf adoptee. Velkon Dumeitscu was a Shasta native who joined up with the Wolves. Only things didn’t work out as he’d hoped and, after two battles with us, he’d found himself locked up. We liberated him and a couple of other members of his Star during a raid, and he was willing to cut us a deal. If we gave him a ‘Mech and a place in our forces, even if only temporarily, he’d give us the location of Star Colonel Kendra Tutuola.

Sunday, 20 August 2017

Audio Log File #75944-Rho

Nikola Kardos: So where do you want to start?

Velkon Dumeitscu: I would like to know how you knew about my men and I. We really did not expect to be rescued at all, or that anyone would even know about what was happening. I know that (Star Colonel) Tutola wanted to keep all that quiet as to not shatter the unit’s already fragile morale.

Kardos: We intercepted Wolf communications during a recon raid on a Wolf supply depot. It took us a bit to fish through the files, but once we found the message about you and your men, I figured that it would be worth out while to extract you.

Dumeitscu: And for that, I thank you. While i did not want to be locked up, the more I look at it, the more likely my being locked up was.

Kardos: So I’d like to know the string of events that led to you and your men being locked up.

Sunday, 30 July 2017

RAF Intel Intercept 3145-372812-Alpha

(I found this report while reviewing the recent action on Shasta. It says a lot about Mu Galaxy’s morale issues that an adoptee would openly question a trueborn, bloodnamed superior. It's something that could be very useful in the days to come)

From: Star Captain Velkon Wolf
To: Star Colonel Kendra Tutuola

Subject: After action report

Star Colonel,

I cannot describe what happened as anything other than a crushing failure. We have lost valuable warriors and equipment, and gained nothing for it. The fault does not lie in those warriors or their equipment, however, but in the decisions that led us to that battle.

With our efforts so far to contain the Mercenaries having failed, I had determined that the best course of action was to try and consolidate my Trinary rather than let it continue to be destroyed piecemeal. However, our contacts within one of the uplands tribes had reported that mercenaries had begun large scale movement of equipment into a remote jungle location, and were returning with heavily loaded VTOLs.

Sunday, 25 June 2017

From the personal journal of Scientist Jeris

I can only imagine who it was I annoyed to get this assignment. Maybe it was Scientist Wallis After I proved his theory about 26th century Rasalhaguian influence on Tamar culture to be a load of hot air. I know he’s had it in for me ever since then. Regardless of who it was, this assignment is some sort of special level of hell, and I have no idea what I did to deserve it.

The Black Mountain people are not the fascinating study in neo-primitivist culture that I was hoping for. No, they’re a bunch of machismo savages who’s only real interest is proving their manliness by slaughtering hapless wildlife and occasionally wrestling each other. That their leader wears the skin of a Skatha Ape is not encouraging as to their sanity at all. Fortunately, I haven’t been here for one of their occasional wars with the Red Rock people, a nearby tribe of equally bloodthirsty lunatics.

Sunday, 11 June 2017

From the personal journal of Irisz Magyari

We’ve formed an alliance of sorts with the Red Rock people (They hate the use of the word ‘tribe” to describe them) aimed at expanding out campaign of harassment against the Wolves; I must admit that I’m in two minds about this; on one side, I appreciate all that they can give us. They serve as extra eyes on the ground, they know the planet and its terrain much better then we do, they can provide far more intel then we could gather on our own and they give us a useful weapon.

What I don’t like is some of what they’re asking for in reply. There’s nothing that’s immediately “wrong” about it, more of a general feeling of unease and wondering about the long-term consequences of our actions and what they are going to do.

Sunday, 4 June 2017

Audio Log File #75928-Rho

Bruce Wolf: What you got there, mate?

Randy Georges: I’m just editing the footage form our little expedition over the last few days into a more... Presentable format.

Wolf: Right. That’s when you and the others (EDITOR’S NOTE: Takahashi Oda, Lee Zhen, Haki Aardvarksen) went out to meet those tribals. How’d that go?

Georges: Well, they prefer to call themselves neo-primitives.

Wolf: And like I can’t talk about bludgers who like to give themselves fancy labels, right?

Georges: Well...

Wolf: So as said, how’d that go?

Georges: Irisz will probably give you all a full briefing in the morning, but it can’t hurt to show you. Basically, she wanted us to try and track down the prisoners your lance released and get their help. After all, if we’re going to annoy the Wolves, why not enlist the aid of people who don’t like them already?

Monday, 15 May 2017

Audio Log File #75921-Rho

Voice [Male, 40s, no discernible accent, likely native English speaker]: Thank you for making the time to meet me, Captain Dae-Hoon.

Jun Dae-Hoon: “Captain” is a bit of a cruel title. Right now I am simply an unemployed mercenary.

Voice: Which is why I am glad that you chose to meet me, as I’m hoping that I can rectify that situation. I’ve been looking at your career record and I think that you have a lot ot offer.

Dae-Hoon: Such as?

Voice: You’re an experienced soldier, for starters. You’re listed as an elite-rated artillery gunner with over twenty years battlefield experience with a variety of different weapons systems and platforms. That alone would be a desirable trait.

Dae-Hoon: What else do they say about me?

From the personal journal of Bruce Wolf

Let’s be honest with ourselves for a minute. I was never anything more than a fake Wolf. Unlike the Trueborn Steel Wolves, I had no lineage, no claim to clan Bloodlines or Bloodnames or the like. And given when I came into the Steel Wolves, my claim to being a Wolf began and ended with Kal Bloody Radick. I look back on it now and the few Steel Wolves that wound up becoming Imperial Wolves, and I notice that almost all of them were Trueborns or had become warriors prior to the Blackout. It does make your feel a little bit cranky, specially given that Anna Bloody K is now an Empire Star Colonel.

I only mention this because Mu Galaxy’s warriors are real Wolves. They’re citizens of the Empire who have chosen to become warriors and, in doing such, do all the same bullcrap that I did; give up your name and identity and all that sort of buggery. But given that they’re actually a bunch of galahs who don’t know their arse from a stick, they’re pretty piss-poor warriors. And yet, I knew fake Wolves who were far better warriors then these real Wolves ever could be.

Monday, 3 April 2017

Magyari's Irregulars' leaders

Sel Magyari

Commander Magyari’s Irregulars 3012-3049

Much of Sel Magyri’s early career is shrouded in mystery, thanks in no part to her own tendency to exaggerate the truth. She somehow managed to become a trained MechWarrior while never attending any formal military schooling, and also having a minor career as a swimsuit model on her homeworld of Lesnovo. At some point she managed to acquire a Thunderbolt from a group of pirates, but her own story of how it happened is doubtless exaggerated.

Incident at Red Hills

I know that I am breaking protocol by sending a runner back to you with this, but I think that it is important. There has been a very unexpected development at the Red Hills mining site, one that could either be very useful for us or have severe consequences.

To quickly fill you in, since their recent security problems, the Wolves had chosen to take up a more visible presence on the site. The Wolves had five BattleMechs present, all of them old Marik models they had salvaged. I had found out that all five of them were manned by Lowlander converts, rather than real Wolf warriors. They were clearly on alert, given our recent incursions into the area and sabotage of their mines. However, they weren’t ready for what happened next.

Friday, 3 March 2017

Mu Galaxy, Wolf Empire

MRBC Report 01-06-3145

Commanding Officer: Galaxy Commander Bradford Vickers

An entirely new formation, Mu Galaxy was raised in the 3140s from the populations of several worlds occupied by the Wolf Empire. An entropy volunteer force, Mu’s warriors were drawn from a stretch of independent worlds falling between the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth and The Duchy of Tamarind-Abbey before their incorporation into the Wolf Empire. Many of these worlds were either unwanted by others or had deliberately chosen to remain independent, and were bound only by common geography and prior affiliation to the Free Worlds League.

In creating Mu Galaxy, the Wolf Empire sought to overcome these limitations and give their warriors a common cause. In this effort, they were only partially successful. While Mu’s ranks did initially swell with volunteers, many of those who joined up found that the reality of Clan life was very different to their expectations, while chafing at the regimented and disciplined society that they had become a part of. Its warriors took very little interest in training, resulting in an overall low quality of readiness.


Star type (Recharge time): K3V
Position in system: 2 (of 9)
Number of satellites: 2 (Hestaby, Dunkelzhan)
Surface gravity: 1.02 g
Atmospheric Pressure: Standard (Breathable)
Equatorial Temperature: 40 (Tropical)
Surface water: 70 percent
Recharging station: Zenith
HPG Class: B (Inoperative)
Highest native life: Mammals
Population: 450,000,000 (3145)
Socio-Industrial levels: B-C-B-B-A
Landmasses (Capitol city): Kitanemuk, Miwok, Serrano (Redding),Timbisha,

Shasta was discovered early in the age of exploration, and almost immediately tagged as an ideal location for a colony. Orbiting a small, orange sun, the planet’s position sloe to the primary meant that it was blessed with Earth-like conditions and an abundance of native flora and fauna. Much of the planet’s four major continents were covered in thick forests, most notably the dense interior jungles. Save for the equatorial deserts of the largest continent (Later named Serrano), the world seemed ripe for human habitation.

The biggest obstacle to colonization was not a problem with the planet itself, but with its local life forms. Several aggressive species called Shasta home, most notably the Skatha Ape. While largely confined to the planet’s thick jungles, this six-armed primate monstrosity proved to be a hazard for early explorers. Even after several early programs to push them back, populations of Skatha Apes still dwell in the Mendoza Jungle Reserve, and are considered to be a hazard for the unwary traveler. Such hazards did, however, help slow development, leaving many of the planet’s forested areas still untouched.

From the personal journal of Irisz Magyari

I haven’t really put my thoughts in order for a while given all that’s been going on; thus there’s a lot that I will cover here. I do feel bad about being so negligent about this. After all I learned from the journals of my predecessors (Especially Sel and Annika) it almost feels like a duty to collect my thoughts so that I can pass them on to whoever succeeds me.

First of all, things went well with the Tamarind government. We handed over Kaine to their custody and received out payment. They were pretty happy with our work, especially given how thoroughly we destroyed the Reapers. Kaine is going to stand trial for his cronies so that they can show that justice is being done and the like, but we all know that the outcome has been pre-determined. I’m not that bothered by it, really. Kaine was a horrible person, a pirate, raider and murderer who inflicted misery wherever he went. Whatever they chose to do to him is well deserved.

Saturday, 25 February 2017

Channel 9 Victoria Internal Memo

From: Roger Woodward
To: Frank J. Harris II (Programming Department)

I’ve reviewed the material that Randy R. Georges has been sending to us, both in the form of the raw footage and the edited episodes that he’s pout together. I admit Now that I’m in two minds about it.

On one hand, he’s done a fantastic job with it. He’s put together a strong narrative about this unit and its people and the way they operate. This is done on many levels; from the in the field, moment to moment decisions to the day to day operations and all the way up to the long term strategic operational planning. By picking a command with a long history, he also gives their actions some degree of weight, especially as he’s delved into that past.

Kessler’s Killers

MRBC Update 01-01-3145

Kessler’s Killers are in many was representative of the new generation of mercenary commands that sprang up in the aftermath of Grey Monday. The unit’s origins lie with Gregory Kessler, a MechWarrior in the Poznan planetary guard. One of the few MechWarriors in the command, Kessler was a part of those forces struggling to maintain order in the face of the crumbling Republic and rising factionalism and insurgency. With the Liao Incursion of 3134, Kessler decided that the situation was hopeless and opted to desert, taking with him a core of other like-minded soldiers.

Kessler picked up more support from other disenfranchised Republic personnel in the aftermath of Fortress Republic, forming the core of a mercenary command. The formative years of Kessler’s Killers were spent in the Republic Territories, fighting brushfire wars and local conflicts, while doing their best to avoid battles with the encroaching great houses. The command grew primarily from the absorption of remnants of Republic Plenarary Guard units as well as members of failed mercenary commands and even some former pirates.

From the personal journal of Gillian Blackrock

My decision to form an alliance with Lee Zhen has definitely born fruit. While I was wary of directly involving myself with the pursuit of Stein due to the risk of exposure, Zhen makes an excellent proxy for my own investigation. It’s aided by the fact that he has a very personal stake in all of this; he’s clearly none too comfortable with others knowing about his past (and with good reason) which gives him a good reason to track down Stein.

Stein had been in contact with one Joaquin Gertz, a mercenary Mechwarrior. Gertz is presently employed as a lieutenant in Kessler’s Killers, a rather low-end mercenary command of no real note. What made this interesting is that Gertz and Zhen had a history, the two having previously served together. Getz was Zhen’s lieutenant before they had a falling out over salvage (in this case, a near-new Vulture Mk IV) which lead to Zhen’s desertion and, eventually, his current employ.

Sunday, 5 February 2017

From the personal journal of Irisz Magyari

With Stanley and her crew safely back in our hands, it was time to move on the Sanguine Reapers. They had to know that we were coming by now; after all, we’d just broken into their headquarters, rescued their hostages, attacked their men and crippled one of their ‘Mechs. Either the Reapers would be digging in and preparing for the worst, or they would be trying to make a quick escape. The former would mean that we’d have the chance to fulfill our contract, even if it would also mean a bloody fight in the process. And the latter would mean it was a huge waste of time on our part.

A quick sub-orbital hop put our ships down as close as we dare get without risking coming under fire or being swarmed straight out the door. The area around the spaceport presented its own hazards beyond just enemy fire, however; the air was still tainted with the fallout from the spaceport’s destruction. Added to that, there was every chance that the Reapers could have sown the area with mines or have spotters and remote sensors watching our advance.

Saturday, 21 January 2017

Cassidy's Crusaders

(From Bullets, Books and Bylines: a blog about mercenary literatureGalatea InfoWeb, 3144)

Cassidy's Crusaders (Volumes I-IV) by Cameron Kennedy et al. Red Tower Books, 3142. Fiction. Will punch you in the gut and make you cry.

Today we're going to be getting a little more visual then normal for something interesting form the fiction bin. Our subject for today is also rather extensive, so I'm not going to be breaking it down into as detailed a summary as I normally do. Or maybe Im just going to encourage you to read the thing yourself to get all the juicy bits. As always, this is a bit spoiler-riffic, only of the board sweeping plot points. I'm not going to tell you who lives or dies, even if one of those did break my heart.

Okay, preamble aside, our review for today is Cassidy's Crusaders, volumes I-IV, released by the Red Tower Books It's written by Kennedy Cameron and drawn by a variety lfo luminaries including Carlos Espozito, Rick Wallach and the Flanenco brothers (Who may have been more than two and possibly not even brothers). Wait a moment, you say, drawn? What's this? Am I reviewing a comic book?

Sunday, 15 January 2017

From Matthias Kaine's Personal Corrispondance


I know that our alliance wasn’t exactly founded on mutual respect, and that we have never liked each other. Hell, we only really tolerate each other’s existence because we both need things that the other can get. But I’m sending you this letter for a reason.

See, just under an hour ago, a bunch of mercs broke into the spaceport. They managed to sneak their way in somehow, getting past all my guards, all my perimeter patrols, all the roadblocks I set up in the crawlspace and everything else. They gassed my men with some sort of anaesthetic; had the Starport’s filters not caught it and tried to shut the system down, they would have flooded the place and knocked out me and all my men. As it happened, they still managed to knock out everyone inside the underground for a few minutes.

Sunday, 8 January 2017

Audio Log File #75892-Rho

(Once again, I only got half the conversation. Right now, Sharkey's so on edge that he's not going to let anyone near his stuff, so I can't see that changing any time soon. I can only imagine what your boys are up to there. Whatever it is, though, they have him scared and angry - K)

(Understandable. I'm beginning to think that Sharkey has reached the end of his usable life anyway, however I will leave that to your discretion. In the meantime, thank you again for bringing this to me)

Sharkey: I've had another incident, and it was the same pair of fraggers as last time. I tell you, somebody is out to get me. No, I'm not being paranoid. I'll tell you what happened; they stole all the info from my computer and they used it to find my assets. And now they're moving in on me.


Sharkey: One of my men got a good look at them, and it was the same pair as last time. Yeah, the moustache guy and the Cappie criminal. No, I got no idea who they work for, as I've never heard of them before. I don’t think it's that bastard Kaine, though. If he wanted me out of the way, he'd have just marched his 'Mech up to my place and flattened it.

Monday, 2 January 2017

Andiron Spaceport

(Thought it would be useful to know what we're walking into - NK)

Andiron's first spaceport was built while the planet was a part of the Rim Worlds Republic, then known as Hellbrent. Dating back to the world's colonisation, the port grew slowly over time with the planetary population. It underwent a major expansion during the late 28th century to handle increased traffic by RWA forces, especially after elements of the 6th Republican Guards were stationed to the world. Its also possible that the world was used as a staging ground for the discrete shuffling of Rim Worlds forces before the coup.

Following the collapse of the Republic, the spaceport fell into disuse and disrepair. Much of its remaining technology was scavenged by the locals to keep more vital life-support infrastructure operational. By the time Andiron was incorporated into the Circrinus Federation, little more than a few gutted buddings and cracked ferrocrete remained. The Federation did little but stabilise the structures, with the facility being used as an occasional staging ground for piracy.

Audio Log File #75891-Rho

(A technical failure meant we only got half of this conversation. The lack of communications infrastructure on this miserable rock is to blame. I added a few annotations where needed - K)

(Thank you for this. It is relevant to our case no less. I’ve added a few notes of my own)

Sharkey: As near as I can tell, there were two of them. My men are still trying to figure out how they got into the mansion grounds, given that they didn’t actually cut through the fences or disable the cameras. When I find out what was the problem, I’m going to make sure that it doesn’t happen again.


Sharkey: You’re right there. Somebody’s going to get his hand fed to a dogodile over this, mark my words. (Dogodiles are a reptile native to Andiron that. They have a vicious bite, and can be tamed and used as guard animals - K)